INCOPA participates in the European Commission’s development of possible recovery rules for nutrients for use in fertilising products
INCOPA member companies have extensive technical and scientific expertise in particular regarding phosphorous removal technologies from waste streams.
INCOPA is therefore participating in the European Commission’s Technical Working Group for the development of process and product criteria for struvite, biochar and ash-based products for use in fertilising products (STRUBIAS TWG). The main objective is to provide non-binding expert advice, including recommendations and opinions, to the European Commission on possible recovery rules for nutrients for use in fertilising products. The STRUBIAS kick-off meeting was held on 6-7 July 2016 in Seville and the work is expected to be finalised in 2019.
INCOPA supports the primary aim to remove phosphorous from waste water streams, either for direct use as fertiliser or as a raw material in fertiliser production. The introduction of a successful phosphorus recovery technology should allow the best possible performance in removing dissolved phosphates from the waste water stream to avoid eutrophication and thereafter guarantee a recovered phosphate compound with the highest possible purity and quality.
More info here.